Our Services

Possession of Drug Precursor Chemicals

Being found in possession of drug precursor chemicals without a licence or registration where required can result in regulatory or criminal investigation and prosecution, including a fine and/or a prison sentence. If you are facing action in relation to drug precursor chemicals, we can provide specialist legal advice.

At Conspiracy Solicitor, we are a team of dedicated criminal defence solicitors. We have a wide range of experience defending people in drug offence cases, including possession of controlled drugs.

Our team includes qualified police station representatives and court advocates, so we are able to help you at every stage of the criminal justice system.

We are accredited by the Law Society in Criminal Litigation for our independently recognised skills and ability to achieve positive outcomes for our clients. With us on your side, you have the best possible chance of reducing the seriousness of the allegations against you, whether that is:

  • Getting the investigation dropped;
  • Achieving a not-guilty verdict at court; or
  • Achieving a lower sentence than you were originally facing.

Contact our expert drug offence solicitors for advice about possession of drug precursor chemicals by using our simple contact form to request a call back or contacting us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation
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How our solicitors can help with possession of drug precursor chemical investigations and prosecutions

If you or someone you know has been arrested or charged in connection with possession of drug precursor chemicals, we are on hand to help.

We understand that facing criminal or regulatory action can be worrying and stressful. You may have been arrested or invited for a voluntary interview on short notice which can be alarming, making it difficult to know what to say or do.

In many cases, people and businesses have legitimate reasons to be in possession of drug precursor chemicals, but the rules on licensing and registration are complex, meaning you may be in breach completely by accident.

Whatever reason you are facing criminal or regulatory action, having a solicitor by your side means that you do not have to worry about it alone. Our role is to support you through the process, including:

  • Attending the police station or place of detention at short notice to provide advice during interviews and make representations to the investigating officers on your behalf.
  • Representing you during criminal and regulatory investigations.
  • Representing you during court proceedings, including the Magistrates Court or Crown Court.

If you have already gone to another law firm for advice but you are not happy with the quality of advice they gave you, we are also happy to take over your legal representation wherever possible to give you a better chance of achieving the outcome you need.

Take a look at our guide to transferring your case to Conspiracy Solicitors for more information.

Common questions about possession of drug precursor chemical offences

What are precursor chemicals?

Drug precursor chemicals are substances which can be used to make a variety of products, from perfumes and cosmetics to medication.

In addition to all sorts of legitimate products, precursor chemicals can be used to manufacture illegal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. So, possession, use and trade of drug precursor chemicals is strictly controlled to prevent drug trafficking.

What is the law on drug precursor chemicals?

The United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988 (also known as the Vienna Convention) requires countries to control and monitor how drug precursor chemicals are traded to tackle and prevent drug trafficking. This Convention is implemented into UK laws and regulations.

There are four categories of drug precursors:

  • Category 1 – covers the ‘main’ drug precursors and most sensitive substances.
  • Category 2 (sub-categories 2a and 2b) – covers some precursors and less sensitive substances.
  • Category 3 – covers bulk chemicals which have various uses within manufacturing processes.
  • Category 4 – covers medicinal products of various category 1 substances.

Companies that deal with certain types of drug precursor chemicals need a domestic licence to be able to possess, manufacture, produce or supply drug precursors in England, Wales and Scotland.

Being found in possession of drug precursor chemicals without a valid licence or while unregistered is a criminal offence.

Businesses can also face penalties for failing to follow documentation, labelling or notification requirements or failing to appoint a responsible officer (someone authorised to trade in scheduled substances).

Can you legally possess drug precursor chemicals?

Yes, but for category 1 drug precursor chemicals, you need a domestic licence issued by the Drugs Licensing and Compliance Unit of the Home Office (DLCU). For category 2 drug precursor chemicals you may need to comply with registration requirements.

This Home Office drug precursor chemicals wallchart provides information about when a licence and registration is required.

For those looking to import and export drug precursor chemicals, a domestic licence is required to be able to apply for an import-export licence.

Get in touch with our drug precursor chemicals solicitors

Contact our expert solicitors for advice about drug precursor chemicals by using our simple contact form to request a call back or contacting us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation

If you need advice from an expert drugs conspiracy solicitor, come to Conspiracy Solicitors.