Our Services

Caught in a Drug Arrest? Follow These Next Steps

We know how frightening and confusing it can be if you are arrested on suspicion of involvement with a serious drug offence, such as the production and/or supply of a controlled substance.

If you have been arrested, are due to be interviewed under caution or have been charged with a serious drug offence, we recommend contacting our specialist drug conspiracy defence solicitors as soon as possible to ensure you have the best possible defence.

In the meantime, the following steps are intended to help you avoid saying or doing anything to unintentionally harm your defence.

Need specialist criminal defence advice or representation? Our simple contact form to request a call back or contact us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation


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What to do if you have been arrested on a drugs conspiracy charge

Know your rights

If you are arrested, you have a legal right to:

  • Free legal advice (either from a duty solicitor or a lawyer of your choosing)
  • Tell someone where you are
  • Medical assistance
  • See information about your rights in writing, e.g. your right to regular breaks for food and the toilet

Do not answer any questions without a lawyer present

This is one of the most basic, but the most important things to remember – you are not legally required to say anything when arrested or interviewed by police or other authorities and you should never say anything without the presence of a lawyer representing.

Choose specialist legal representation

While you can choose to be represented by whichever duty solicitor is available at the time of your arrest, we strongly recommend using our specialist drug conspiracy defence lawyers when dealing with these types of complex and serious charges.

Headed by Senior Partner Christopher Milligan, our criminal defence team has over 200 years of combined experience, including extensive expertise in serious drugs cases.

With a strong track record of securing positive outcomes for clients facing all types of drugs conspiracy charges, we can help you build the strongest possible defence, ensuring no critical detail or angle of defence is overlooked.

We are accredited by the Law Society for Criminal Litigation, recognising our expertise in all areas of criminal prosecutions.

If you already have legal representation and would like to transfer your case to our specialist drug conspiracy defence lawyers, please take a look at our guide to transferring your case to Conspiracy Solicitors.

Get funding for your defence

You are entitled to free legal advice when arrested or interviewed under caution by police or other authorities.

If you are prosecuted, some or all of the cost of your defence may be covered by a Representation Order (commonly called ‘legal aid’).

Whether you are entitled to legal aid and how much of your legal costs this will cover will depend on whether your case is heard in Magistrates’ Court or Crown Court, as well as a means test and a merit test (for Magistrates’ Court prosecutions).

Find out more about Funding your Drug Defence

Get immediate expert representation for drug conspiracy charges

Have you been arrested, invited for interview or charged with a drugs conspiracy offence? Get in touch with our expert criminal defence team now for advice or immediate representation.

To speak to our drug conspiracy solicitors, use our simple contact form to request a call back or contact us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation