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Conspiracy to Supply Class C Drugs

If you are charged or prosecuted for ‘conspiracy to supply class C drugs’, you could be facing very serious penalties, including the potential for a large fine and/or a long prison sentence. Conspiracy charges can be highly complicated to deal with, so it is essential to have specialist legal advice and representation to ensure you have the strongest possible defence.

Our expert drug conspiracy solicitors have the training and experience you need to make sure every possible angle of defence is consider and all relevant facts are brought to light. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to help you avoid charges, see existing charges dropped or secure the least severe penalties possible.

No matter what stage of proceedings you are at – whether you have not yet secured representation or are unhappy with your existing criminal defence lawyers – we can help.

Get in touch with our experienced drug conspiracy solicitors now by using our simple contact form to request a call back or contacting us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation
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What is the definition of “conspiracy to supply class C drugs”?

A criminal conspiracy is where two or more people plan a course of action that, if carried out, would result in a criminal offence or offences being committed. Conspiracy to supply class C drugs is therefore planning or carrying out actions that contribute or are intended to contribute to the supply of class C drugs.

A key point is that you do not need to directly carry out criminal activity to be charged with conspiracy to supply class C drugs. Even if the actions you yourself commit are not inherently criminal, if they contribute to the supply of illegal drugs, you can still be prosecuted.

For example, if you arrange for a car to be driven to collect a shipment of anabolic steroids, you could still be charged, even through driving a car in and of itself is not illegal.

Under what circumstances might you be prosecuted for conspiracy to supply class C drugs?

Police or another agency will generally need evidence linking you to planning an action that has or could lead to the supply of class C drugs. Exactly what activity qualifies as being involved in a criminal conspiracy can be very complex, meaning it is not uncommon for people to become caught up in conspiracy charges entirely innocently.

In one example, our conspiracy defence solicitors handled the case of a client who was charged on the basis that paperwork relating to them was found at the scene of a major drugs seizure by police. While police believed that this implied our client was involved in the operation, we were able to have our client acquitted of all charges at trial on the basis that they had no knowledge of or involvement with the operation.

What drugs are class C in the UK?

Currently the following drugs are scheduled class C in the UK:

  • Anabolic steroids
  • Benzodiazepines (diazepam)
  • Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
  • Gamma-butyrolactone (GBL)
  • Piperazines (BZP)
  • Khat​

What sentence will I receive for supplying Class C drugs?

There are general sentencing guidelines for conspiracy to supply class C drugs, but the ultimate sentence you stand to receive on conviction will depend on the specifics of your case. This includes anything you choose to plead guilty to and/or what can be the prosecution can prove beyond reasonable doubt in court.

What are the sentencing guidelines for conspiracy to supply class C drugs?

The exact sentence you can be given for conspiracy to supply class C drugs depends on the details of the case and whether it is prosecuted in Magistrates’ Court or Crown Court.

In Magistrates’ Court, the maximum sentence for conspiracy to supply class C drugs can include either or both:

  • A fine of up to £5,000
  • Up to 6 months’ imprisonment

In Crown Court, the maximum sentence for conspiracy to supply class C drugs can include either or both:

  • An unlimited fine
  • Up to 14 years imprisonment

In addition to the sentence you receive, you may also be issued with a Restraint Order. This restricts you from accessing most of your assets, only allowing you enough to cover basic living costs. You may then face Confiscation Proceedings where the state will attempt to recover the proceeds of any criminal activity of which you are found guilty.

What influences a sentence for conspiracy to supply class C drugs?

What sentence you receive if found guilty of conspiracy to supply class C drugs will normally take into account a number of factors, including:

  • The quantity and value of the drugs involved.
  • Whether you plead guilty and, if so, how early in proceedings you do so.
  • What role you played within the conspiracy.
  • Your awareness/understanding of the conspiracy you were involved with.
  • How long you were involved in the conspiracy for.
  • Any previous convictions you hold.
  • Whether you were influenced by pressure, intimidation or coercion to take part in the conspiracy.

Our drug conspiracy solicitors have the experience to identify all relevant factors and can provide the skilled advocacy you need to ensure they are properly taken into account.

Production of cannabis case study

We successfully defended two clients against allegations of producing cannabis on a commercial scale, managing to have their case thrown out and allowing them to avoid very serious penalties.

Our clients were two out of five defendants arrested following a police search of a cannabis factory located inside a former 17th century coaching inn. Police seized a cannabis crop with an estimated value in excess of £100,000 and the five suspects were prosecuted under s.4 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

During the trial, our defence team were able to persuade the judge to exclude critical prosecution evidence related to a search that had been secured in circumstances that gave serious cause for concern. Ultimately, we made successful submissions that our clients had “no case to answer” and the judge directed the jury to find both defendants not guilty.

We were also able to secure the early return of our clients’ assets, seized in relation to proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, allowing them to recover their possessions well in advance of the trial.

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Funding your defence against conspiracy to supply class C drugs charges

Police station representation

Everyone is entitled to free legal advice when arrested or interviewed under caution at a police station or other place of detention by police, customs or the National Crime Agency (NCA). There is no means testing for this entitlement and you can either choose to use the available duty solicitor at the police station or your own legal representation.

When dealing with a serious charge related to conspiracy to supply drugs, we strongly advise being represented by our specialist drug conspiracy solicitors from the outset to ensure your case is effectively handled at every stage and that you have the strongest defence possible.

Legal aid for court proceedings

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for legal aid in the form of a Representation Order from the Criminal Defence service to cover the cost of your defence when being prosecuted in Magistrates’ Court or Crown Court.

If prosecuted in Crown Court, you will be required to pass both a means test and a merit test. The means test is used to determine whether you genuinely need assistance with funding your defence, while the merit test will establish whether funding your legal defence is “in the Interests of Justice”.

Legal aid will normally only cover part of the cost of your defence in Crown Court prosecutions, so you will likely have to meet some of the cost of your defence yourself. Any financial contribution you make towards your defence costs will be refunded with interest if you are found not guilty in Crown Court.

Find out more about funding your legal defence.

Why choose Conspiracy Solicitor for your case?

Conspiracy Solicitor is a trading style of Bird and Co Solicitors LLP, a leading East Midlands law firm that has been supporting clients all over England and Wales for over 30 years.

Our specialist criminal defence team, led by Senior Partner Christopher Milligan, has over 200 years of combined experience with particular expertise in conspiracy to supply class C drugs cases.

We are accredited by the Law Society for Criminal Litigation, recognising our expertise in all areas of criminal prosecutions.

We know how worrying and confusing these types of charges can be, especially where you have become caught up in a conspiracy charge through no fault of your own. Our goal is make your situation and the proceedings you face as clear and straightforward as possible, while providing the strongest possible legal defence.

How to transfer your case to Conspiracy Solicitor

Our strong track record of success shows just how much of a difference our experienced, specialist conspiracy solicitors can make for clients facing serious and complex charges, such as conspiracy to supply class C drugs.

Our exceptional knowledge of this area of law and the high level of skill our criminal defence lawyers offer means we are frequently able to secure a better outcome than less experienced, non-specialist criminal defence lawyers.

If you wish to transfer your case to us, how easily you can do so normally depends on whether you have already been granted legal aid.

If you have not yet been granted legal aid (i.e. a “Representation Order”) or are funding your own defence, transferring your defence to us should be relatively straightforward.

Where legal aid has already been granted, it is possible you may be able transfer your case to us and still receive legal aid funding if:

  • Your current solicitor has to withdraw from the case e.g. for professional reasons such as a conflict of interest or personal reasons such as illness.
  • The relationship between you and your current legal team has completely broken down e.g. your solicitor has given you wrong advice that has harmed your interests.
  • Another “substantial compelling” reason to change representation exists – however what constitutes such a reason is for a judge to decide and can be challenging to establish.

Find out more about transferring your case to Conspiracy Solicitors.

Contact Conspiracy Solicitor now

For immediate expert legal representation from our team of specialist criminal defence solicitors and dedicated criminal conspiracy defence lawyers, use our simple contact form to request a call back or contact us on one of the following numbers:

  • Call 0333 009 5968 – for standard enquiries during office hours
  • WhatsApp 07535 215140 – for 24/7 emergency support including police station representation